Can a demon read my mind? Should I be afraid of the devil? When it comes to the demonic, there can be a lot of confusion and misinformation. So, what is true about the demonic? Jeff is joined by Fr. Jon Vander Ploeg to discuss this. They offer encouragement and wisdom on how to battle the demonic and how to create strong barriers against it.
Snippet from the Show
I do not have to be afraid if I am united with Christ and I am in a state of grace.
Interested in hearing Jeff’s previous episode with Fr. Jon Vander Ploeg on “The Importance of Angels”? You can listen to it here.
Interested in blessing your home? Click to here to learn about three different Catholic Home Blessings.
Please let parents know what they can do for adult children who have completely left God and are involved with the occult (Wicca, horror, dungeons and dragons etc.) What prayers can we or should we say?