What is Divine Mercy? You may have heard mention of Divine Mercy Sunday or perhaps you have prayed the chaplet. But where does the devotion to Divine Mercy come from? Fr. Josh answers this question and shares about the saint who established it.
Snippet from the Show
There is no excuse for anyone not to become a saint. God is offering his love and mercy to everyone until the very end.
Glory Story (1:05)
Listener Question (6:15)
What is Divine Mercy Sunday?
Saint Story: St. Faustina
St. Faustina was born to a poor and religious family in Poland in 1905. After spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at the young age of 7, St. Faustina knew she was called to religious life. However, her parents refused to allow her to join the convent after she finished her schooling, so she worked as a housekeeper to support her family.
In 1924, while attending a school dance with her sister, St. Faustina received a vision of the suffering Jesus and immediately went to the Cathedral to pray. When she arrived, Jesus instructed her to travel to Warsaw and join the convent.
When she arrived, she was turned away by many convents because of her appearance and poverty. Finally, the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy agreed to allow her to join on the condition that she pay for her own habit.
In 1931, Jesus appeared again to St. Faustina as the “King of Divine Mercy” that we see depicted in Divine Mercy images today. For the remaining years of her life, Jesus continued to appear to her with messages of mercy that make up her diary. He implored her to spread this message, which eventually established the Feast of Divine Mercy to be celebrated every year on the Sunday following Easter.
St. Faustina died on October 5, 1938 and was canonized on April 30, 2000. Her feast day is October 5.
- Submit your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh
- Broken and Blessed by Fr. Josh Johnson
- Pocket Guide to Adoration by Fr. Josh Johnson
- Pocket Guide to Reconciliation by Fr. Josh Johnson & Fr. Mike Schmitz
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Meet Fr. Josh Johnson

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. Then, one day in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest.
Now, Fr. Josh is the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. He is a presenter in four of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, The 99, and Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation, as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation, Pocket Guide to Adoration, and co-author of Pocket Guide to Reconciliation.
I went to confession the Monday before Easter, received communion at the 5pm mass Saturday evening mass for Divine Mercy Sunday and went to adoration and prayed the Devine Mercy prayers with our Pastor and community. Does this fulfill what is needed for the promises? I understand the church has given some leniency in this matter.