Suffering: How Can We Carry Our Cross Like Jesus?

Is there a right way to suffer? Should we be suffering in silence or bringing others into our pain? Fr. Josh Johnson reminds us to start by crying out to the Lord in prayer. God can show us if it is time to keep our suffering close to our heart or share our suffering with others and ask for help. Allow Jesus to show you how this suffering can glorify Him. 

Snippet from the Show

When we allow others to know that we are suffering, we give them the opportunity to be drawn in through our suffering to a closer intimacy with Jesus.


Glory Story (1:49)
Listener Question (6:14)

Can you tell others what you are going through in a hard time and still suffer well/carry your cross? How fine of a line is there between letting others know details of hardship and feeling unsure of if it qualifies as complaining vs. bearing a cross in silence. Sometimes, it feels like you have to dodge questions that require an honest response (ex: How are you doing today? How are things going?).

Prayer (18:00)

Offertory Prayer, by Venerable Fulton Sheen

I give myself to God.
Here is my Body. Take it.
Here is my Blood. Take it.
Here is my Soul, my Will, my Energy, my Strength, my Property, my Wealth – all that I have. It is Yours.
Take it! Offer it! Offer it with Thyself to the heavenly Father in order that He, looking down on this Great Sacrifice, may see only Thee, His beloved Son, in Whom He is well pleased.
Transmute the poor bread of my life into Thy Divine Life; thrill the wine of my wasted life into Thy Divine Spirit; unite my broken heart with Thy Heart; change my cross into a Crucifix.
Let not my abandonment, and my sorrow, and my bereavement go to waste.
Gather up the fragments, and as the drop of water is absorbed by the wine at the Offertory of the Mass, let my life be absorbed in Thee; let my little cross be entwined with Thy Great Cross, so that I may purchase the joys of everlasting happiness in union with Thee.
Consecrate these trials of my life which would go unrewarded unless united with Thee; transubstantiate me so that like bread which is now Thy Body, And wine which is now Thy Blood, I too may be wholly Thee.
I care not if the species remain, or that, like the bread and the wine, I seem to all earthly eyes the same as before.
My station in life, my routine duties, my work, my family – all these are but the species of my life which may remain unchanged; but the substance of my life, my soul, my mind, my will, my heart – transubstantiate them, transform them wholly into Thy service, so that through me all may know how sweet is the love of Christ. 


Meet Fr. Josh Johnson

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. Then, one day in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest.

Now, Fr. Josh is the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. He is a presenter in four of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, The 99, and Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation, as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation, Pocket Guide to Adoration, and co-author of Pocket Guide to Reconciliation.

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