Listening to Homilies, Charisms of Religious Orders, and Lent during Pregnancy

Fr. Josh answers questions on whether or not you have to listen to the homily at Mass, what the some of the different charisms in religious orders are, and what Lent should look like for an expectant mother.

Snippet from the Show
Before we complain about life circumstances, go to Jesus and be open to his response.


Glory Story (2:07)


Do I Have to Listen to the Homily at Mass? (5:06)

Is it necessary to listen to the homily? I admire priests who aren’t afraid to speak on hard topics, but I am struggling with the way my parish priest preaches on the same topic every Sunday – the fact that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, condemning poor leadership in the church/government, matters related to the handling of the pandemic, etc. I already have  anxiety from the way these very topics cause tension in my family. I believe that God calls us to listen even to homilies we don’t care for with humility, but going into a third year of this, I am starting to really feel depressed and uncomfortable whenever we get to the homily. A family member suggested that, rather than moving parishes, I should choose an out of the way seat and discreetly read a book of the saints’ homilies while our priest preaches. I felt unsure – isn’t the homily part of the Mass, and thus mustn’t participate by listening? I am tempted by this solution, but am unsure.


Different Religious Orders (10:10)

What are the different Catholic religious orders (i.e. Salesian, Jesuit, Dominican, etc) and their differences?


Lent and Fasting While Pregnant (18:09)

Hi Fr. Josh! Thank you for all you do! I am expecting my first baby and I am trying to figure out what Lent should look like for me. I’ve been told that I don’t have to fast or abstain because I’m pregnant. But honestly, I don’t think it would be hard for me to do something. Do you have any advice on how pregnant women can still do something for Lent but maybe not as intense as other people?



Meet Fr. Josh Johnson

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. Then, one day in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest.

Now, Fr. Josh is the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. He is a presenter in four of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, The 99, and Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation, as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation, Pocket Guide to Adoration, and co-author of Pocket Guide to Reconciliation.

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