Holy Masculinity, the Problem with Sending “Good Vibes”, and Attending Non-Catholic Weddings

Fr. Josh answers questions about restoring holy masculinity, why we shouldn’t tell people we’re sending them “good vibes”, and attending non-Catholic weddings.



Restoring Holy Masculinity

Fr. Josh, I feel like you are very real with current issues in the church and I have had a question about something that has been on my heart for awhile. St. John Paul the Great says, “It is the duty of every man to uphold the dignity of every woman.” I feel like the men in our church are not doing this. How do we uplift the men in our church to uphold the dignity of women and respect them?

Many women I have spoken with and myself have had numerous situations at church and young adult events where men have made us extremely uncomfortable. Many to the point they don’t feel comfortable going to mass alone or to their parish. I made an appointment with my pastor to discuss this and he basically said, don’t worry about it. My diocese is one of many in the country who is recovering from years of sex abuse being swept under the rug and now when there are situation not to the extreme, but still not acceptable, they continue to ignore. I feel like there is a sad culture in out church where men are not doing what St. JP the Great says. I am so concerned we are in for another crisis if we do not build up the men in our church and start treating women properly. How do we teach and build up Catholic men?

– Anonymous

The Problem with “Good Vibes”

Hello Father,

 I have been struggling on how to explain to my mom, who has become very consumed by the modern world, why we shouldn’t say “sending good vibes.” I know it is something that we should avoid as Catholics and instead say “you are in my prayers,” but I just don’t know how to explain it. Can you please explain why we don’t say good vibes and what the Catholic teachings are on this? Thank you so much!

– Elizabeth

Non-Catholic Weddings

My sister, who has fallen away from the Catholic faith, has asked me to be the maid of honor in her wedding which won’t be at a church. Her fiance and her live together, which she knows that I do not condone. We are still good friends and love each other, but we know we don’t always agree. I know God has placed her and her fiance together for a reason, and I pray for their conversion. My question is, is it morally acceptable for me to be in her wedding party although it’s not a Catholic wedding? Is being a part of their wedding showing that I approve of this union? Thank you for any feedback you may have.

– Anonymous


Meet Fr. Josh Johnson

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. Then, one day in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest.

Now, Fr. Josh is the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. He is a presenter in four of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, The 99, and Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation, as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation, Pocket Guide to Adoration, and co-author of Pocket Guide to Reconciliation.


  1. After listening to this podcast, I need some clarification. Are all marriages outside the ones performed in the Catholic church not acknowledged as real and therefore people living in sin?

    • If either spouse has been baptized catholic, they must be married in the Catholic Church in order to have a valid marriage, unless they receive a dispensation from their bishop to do otherwise. If both spouses have never been catholic at the time of the wedding, they are presumed to have a valid marriage regardless of where the marriage takes place.


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