Today we begin our book study on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chapters 1-4). We dive into the themes of this chapter such as innocence, faith, temptation, sin, and shared adventure. We hope you will continue to join us on the journey into this wonderful story, which we hope will help us reflect more deeply on our relationship with Christ, our own story of faith and redemption, and the invitation to adventure with God.

Snippet from the Show:
What if God wants to take us out of the war of life to show us the deeper reality of wonder?
One Thing We Love This Week:
- Sr. Miriam’s One Thing – The song “Pieces” (the live version) by Amanda Cook
- Michelle’s One Thing – New song “Electricity” by Ellie and Drew Holcomb
- Heather’s One Thing – New Worship Playlist “Into the Deep”
- Ascension would like to offer you a 20% discount through the month of February (2/25) on Fr. Josh Johnson’s book Broken and Blessed. Just go to click on Broken and Blessed and enter the promo code fatherjosh (for US residents only)
Discussion Questions:
- What stood out to you in the reading for this week?
- Where in my life has the enemy taken a place, where I have lost hope and need Christmas to come?
- For the women – Discuss the difference of femininity between Lucy and the witch. How has this affected your life?
- When we numb our heart and our identity, we numb our wonder and our inheritance. Discuss this.
- Where are the places and spaces that you can find wonder that leads to God?
Journal Questions:
- How has the enemy spoken things in your life that bring about shame?
- What are the parts of Edmund you see in yourself? What parts of Lucy do you see?
- What is your Turkish delight (sin or temptation) that keeps you bound?
- Where are the places you hide from the Lord and others?
Quote to Ponder:
“And what wonderful adventures we shall have, now that we are all in it together.” – (Lucy) CS Lewis
Scripture for Lectio Divina – Matthew 18:3
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Meet Your Hosts:

Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym. If you would like to contact the ladies of Abiding Together, email: