Dan Pilon’s story of discovery is not unlike many that we hear. Dan listened to the Bible Timeline CDs on his ride to and from work…twenty times! Filled with a zeal for Scripture, he’s actively trying to bring others closer to Christ through the Great Adventure.
I was raised a cradle Catholic and attended Catholic grade school, but fell away from the faith when I went into the military. The service did give me time to ask myself a couple of key questions: 1) is there a God? and 2) what is the meaning and purpose of life?
I started to attend different churches, but always found something missing. The more I studied, the more interested I became in my faith. My wife and I read Scott Hahn’s The Lamb’s Supper and it gave me a much deeper understanding of the Mass, but something was still missing – a deeper understanding of the Bible.
I read the Bible but, like the Ethiopian eunuch, did not understand it. Acts 8:30-31
I had been listening to the Bible on CD in my car, but was still trying to make sense of what I was hearing. Finally, I found The Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There was so much I had never understood. I listened to the CDs a second time and learned even more.
Since then, I have acquired hundreds of Catholic CDs and books, but I have learned more from The Great Adventure Bible Timeline than any of the others. I have listened over twenty times now and still pick up something new every time! I now have three copies and continually have them out on loan.
Jeff does such a fabulous job of tying the Old and New Testament together and even includes a little humor. I would have never tied everything together on my own.
Dan Pilon
Near Pittsburgh PA