This week’s guest is Anna Mitchell, producer and host of the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio. Anna is a dear friend and longtime colleague, and today she shares about Our Lady of Sorrows, teaching kids about redemptive suffering and more!
Snippet From the Show
If we know how God has operated in the past, if we know how his faithful have operated in the past, we can more easily recognize when he or they are operating today and we can recognize the power of their intercession in our lives.
To go beyond the podcast, join us at the Girlfriends Community, an encouraging and supportive online community for Catholic women from all walks of life.
This week’s guest is Anna Mitchell, producer and host of the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio. Anna is a dear friend and longtime colleague, and I just love her take on ways to recognize that God is active in our lives today. She shares about Our Lady of Sorrows, teaching kids about redemptive suffering, and more.
Prayer of Consecration to Our Lady of Sorrows
O kind and good Mother, whose own soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow, look upon us while, in our sickness, we arraign ourselves beside you on the Calvary where your Jesus hangs.
Dowered with the high grace of suffering, and hopeful of fulfilling in our own flesh what is wanting in our sharing of Christ’s passion, on behalf of his Mystical Body, the Church, we consecrate to you ourselves and our pain. We pray that you will place them on that Altar of the Cross to which Jesus is affixed. May they be little victims of propitiation for our salvation, for the salvation of all peoples.
O Mother of Sorrows, accept this consecration. Strengthen our hopeful hearts, that as partakers of Christ’s sufferings we may also share in his comfort now and for evermore. Amen.
To find out more about St. Januarius, click here!
Find out more about the Son Rose Morning Show
(and even listen to the show in podcast form)!
Listener Feedback (38:25)
At the end of today’s show, Danielle shares some feedback from listener Savannah who shares what lessons she’s learned in listening to the podcast, and how she applies those lessons in her day to day life.
Song of the Week
This week’s song is Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant. What a beautiful theme for Advent! What are you listening to?
Danielle’s new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is available to order!
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You’re Worth It! A Retreat for Women
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Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean is the author of many books on Catholic marriage, motherhood, and women’s spirituality, and a well-known Catholic podcaster and media figure. In all of her efforts, Danielle encourages and celebrates all women on their unique vocational paths. She is the host of the Girlfriends podcast as well as the author of Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, and You Are Enough.
Danielle is a dynamic retreat leader and an engaging speaker on a variety of subjects related to Catholic family life, education, marriage, and motherhood. She has been married to her husband, Dan, for 26 years and together they have 8 children.