10 Ways To Baptize Your Smartphone

Have you ever put down your smartphone only to realize an hour has gone by? Do certain apps tempt you to sin? Are you sometimes overwhelmed with a desire to have the latest and greatest technologies? Here are ten simple ways you can “baptize” your smartphone for the glory of God and for your spiritual growth, while becoming more a part of God’s family, the Church.

Problems with Smartphones
  • Wasting time
  • Get into trouble – pornography etc…
  • Expense and always needing the “latest and greatest”
10 Ways to Baptize Your Smartphone
  1. Set an alarm for 6:00AM, 12:00PM, or 6:00 PM or 3:00PM
    1. These are the times of the Angelus or the hour of Divine Mercy
    2. Use as a reminder to pray or a tool to help you break a certain pattern of sin in your life
  2. Create Holy Lists on Your Phone
    1. Prayer lists
    2. Things I’m dealing with that I want to bring to Confession
  3. Lectio Divina and the Examine Prayer
    1. Gives you an opportunity to talk with God, but also gives God an opportunity to talk to you.
  4. Podcasts and Videos
    1. Listen to something that will positively contribute to your life
  5. Mass Times
    1. Download an App that shows different Mass times in whatever city you need.
  6. Bible or Catholic Study Programs
    1. Verbum
    2. Accordance
  7. Praise Music
    1. Will lift you up to a place of joy and peace
  8. Catholic Radio
    1. Ave Maria
    2. Relevant Radio
    3. EWTN
    4. Immaculate Heart Radio
  9. Apps
    1. To help you with all things Catholic
    2. Apologetics
    3. Laudate (one-stop-shop for Catholic Resources)
    4. myParish App
    5. Catholic Calendar App
    6. iRosary
    7. iMissal
    8. iBreviary
    9. Confession
    10. Devotions
    11. USCCB
  10. Set a song that will uplift you in the morning.
    1. Spiritual songs, praise and worship music, hymns

More Great Resources from Jeff                                                                   

Find free blogs, videos, and resources about Scripture and the Catholic faith at http://biblestudyforcatholics.com/.

Learn more about The Great Adventure Bible Timeline and preview any study for free.

For an easy way to transform your approach to reading Scripture, check out Jeff’s Bible Timeline Chart.

For an illustrated resource introducing God’s love story to children while helping them to understand how the Catholic Church is the body of Christ on Earth try The Great Adventure Storybook.

We’d Love to Hear from You

Do you have comments or questions for Jeff? Use the comment box below, or email Jeff at thejeffcavinsshow@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!

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  1. Here is another suggestion for our baptized smart phone. In photos, I made an album I titled reflection. From Laudate I will snapshot a daily prayer that I like or a meaningful daily bible verse. Also I will snapshot a reflection from the daily reading that inspires me, or I’ll take a photo from a prayer card, or a picture of a beautiful crucifix or statue. Just add anything to this album that gives you peace of mind and a closer relationship to Our Lord. I go to this album everyday and pick a few prayers or verses and read them.

  2. Great suggestions to help baptize our smartphones to help make us holier people of God. Two misspellings above… should be iMissal not iMisstle; Brevery should be iBreviary… I love the Scriptural Rosary app that allows you to record your own voice. It has other features too, including Latin prayers. I use a Divine Mercy app that features an audio feature so I can pray while getting ready for work in the morning (hands free). Flocknote also has an app for those whose parishes use Flocknote for messages to their flock.


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