Do you ever feel like God might be calling you to become a Catholic speaker or writer? Learn from Jeff how to take the first steps towards answering that call: Discover your passion, study it in depth, identify your audience, and use wisdom to apply that topic to your audience’s lives.
How do I start?
- First recognize that you are unique and can give to the world what no one else can.
- Figure out what your topic will be.
- Sometimes we are more in love with the idea of being a writer than writing. It’s hard.
- Being a speaker requires overcoming shyness and fear.
- If you feel a strong desire to speak or write perhaps that is what God is calling you to do.
Three Elements of a Good, Disciplined Teacher!
- Know your subject.
- Dedicate your time towards studying your subject.
- It should take about 1/3 of your time.
- Know your audience.
- What demography does it consist of and how does your topic apply to them?
- Research what life is like for people who will be your audience.
- Know how to bridge the gap between the faith and their lives.
How to begin the process.
- Find your topic.
- Start by finding your passion, what do you want to know more about?
- Don’t be afraid to drill down deep into a topic.
- Don’t be a “generalist”
- Look for a need in Church life.
- (Example: widows and widowers)
- Start to study
- Find the websites and blogs and podcast where people talk about the subject.
- Use Wisdom along with Knowledge
- Begin to contribute.
- What is your unique contribution?
- What does your personal experience bring to the topic?
- Begin a blog or podcast.
- Make a commitment and stick with it.
- Start collecting your ideas
- Make a plan
- Use your devices to help you capture data and organize it
- I use Evernote.
- Begin to write and/or speak on the topic.
- I use Scrivener to write.
- How are you going to write?
- Find your style.
- Some people write each section on its own and then organize it.
- Talk to everyone who will listen about your ideas.
- Talk until it flows from you without notes or outlines.
- Be careful who you share with in the early stages.
More Great Resources from Jeff
Find free blogs, videos, and resources about Scripture and the Catholic faith at
Learn more about The Great Adventure Bible Timeline and preview any study for free.
For an easy way to transform your approach to reading Scripture, check out Jeff’s Bible Timeline Chart.
For an illustrated resource introducing God’s love story to children while helping them to understand how the Catholic Church is the body of Christ on Earth try The Great Adventure Storybook.
Next years pilgrimages: We will go to Israel in January and May (with Fr Mike Schmitz.) In April we will go to Ireland.
We’d Love to Hear from You
Do you have comments or questions for Jeff? Use the comment box below, or email Jeff at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
I became a Catholic at the 2023 Easter Vigil but my wife has not followed me. She was a Lutheran from birth, as I was, then Methodist for last 35 years. Since the Methodists have become splintered she is looking at returning to Lutheranism. She is an Author/Writer as a freelancer, ghost writer and writing her own books. Since she always writes with a spiritual slant, I would love to have her get involved with Accession Press. What would be my/our first steps?
Thank you.