“Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” We don’t need to bring unforgiveness into the holiday season. In today’s episode, Jeff draws attention to the areas of life where forgiveness may be necessary and encourages us to allow the forgiveness of God to begin healing these wounds.
Snippet From the Show
Once we have begun healing through forgiving, releasing, and confessing, we must stay on top of it: Don’t nurse it, don’t curse it, and don’t rehearse it.
Situations that need attention!
1. Forgiving your in-laws.
2. Forgiving your former boss.
3. Forgiving your ex.
4. Forgiving your parents.
5. Forgiving your siblings.
Matthew 18:21-35 – Parable on Forgiveness
“Forgiveness is to pardon someone who offended, hurt, or attacked us. It implies there is guilt in the offender, regardless of whether or not there is repentance, sorrow, or contrition. We can forgive those who have not even asked for our forgiveness. We are asked to forgive our enemies, to love them, and to pray for them.” (The Catholicism Answer Book)
If we as Christians have been given forgiveness by God for all the sins in our life-original sin in all of the committed sins, those things we did and failed to do, and Jesus has forgiven us-then it is incumbent upon us to release and forgive other people. No matter what the pain, no matter how deep the wound. It’s what we’re called to do.
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- New Podcast from Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR: The Rosary in a Year
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- The Great Adventure Bible
- Listen to The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- Pilgrimages with Jeff
- Jeff’s Daily Gospel Reflections with Jonathan Roumie: www.hallow.com/jeffcavins
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Meet Your Host: Jeff Cavins
Jeff Cavins is passionate about helping people understand Scripture and become disciples of Jesus Christ. Though he was born Catholic, Jeff went to Bible school and served as a protestant minister for twelve years before reverting to the Catholic Faith. Jeff then received his MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Since then, he has become a leading Catholic evangelist and author.
Jeff created The Bible Timeline learning system, which revolutionized Catholic Bible Study for millions of Catholics. Since its introduction, Jeff has developed The Great Adventure series of Bible studies to help people better understand Sacred Scripture and its meaning for their lives.
Jeff God Bless you this was totally me. It’s as if you went into my mind and knew what I needed today, Thank you so, so much Jeff, thank you, thank you, thank you. I think God was talking to you this morning, and talking to me to find your program. Amen.