Fr. Josh answers questions about the Catholic perspective on the Big Bang, how to find a thorough examination of conscience for confession, and ways to overcome mortal sins. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Snippet from the Show
Even if there was an evolutionary process, we still came from our first parents, who were the first two human beings to ever exist.
Glory Story (1:36)
The traditional purpose of the Catholic groomsmen is to make sure the groom is in a state of grace when he receives the sacrament of marriage.
Listener Feedback (5:54)
Overcoming Mortal Sins (9:50)
Wassup Fr. Josh,
I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for all that you’ve done and for having this podcast because it’s a serious blessing. Not gonna lie, I was a little apprehensive at first, like “who is this guy” but honestly I love you man, you’ve continued to push me deeper into my faith. You relate to me and help nourish my soul with amazing messages and I love how you talk about uniting our sufferings to Christ. I had never really heard about that until I started listening to your podcast :D. Anyways thank you for being you and I’m praying for you and may God continue to bless with your dope righteous words!
But my question is I’m a 20 year-old male who struggles a lot with pornography, lust, and masturbation. I was very sexually active in highschool and I was introduced to pornography when I was 13 by a friend and it’s been an issue ever since. I pray daily, I go to the sacrament of reconciliation every other week, I go to Mass every Sunday and I attend adoration as often as I can. I feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to do to overcome this sin but I wanted to ask you if there is anything I’m not doing or I should be doing to finally be free of this sin. Because I’m seriously worried that this is going to affect my hopeful future marriage.
-Your Homie in Jesus
Examination of Conscience (20:01)
First, I love your podcast and love how you aren’t afraid to speak truth. I was hoping that you could talk about where to find a good examination of conscience. I go to confession pretty regularly but I feel like the examinations that I have used aren’t exhaustive enough and that I’m missing something.
The Big Bang (30:10)
Do Catholics believe that Adam and Eve were literal people and how does that fit with evolution and the big bang? If Catholics don’t believe that it is literal how does original sin make sense?
Universal Points (39:53)
- Overcoming Mortal Sins – Keep immersing yourself in God’s mercy. Keep struggling.
- Examination of Conscience – There is always more, try the ones recommended in the show notes.
- The Big Bang – Look to Jesus and look to the New Testament. Then examine the old through the lens of the new.
- Broken and Blessed – Examination of Conscience
- Christ the King – Examination of Conscience Based on the 7 Deadly Sins
- Humani Generis
- Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center
- Covenant Eyes
- The Freedom App
Meet Your Host, Fr. Josh Johnson:

Fr. Josh! Long time listener first time commenter! I loved this episode. It brought a lot of clarity for me on where Catholics stand on evolution and the Big Bang. I also wanted to reply to something at the beginning of the show. A guy was asking about pornography. I wanted to encourage him to keep fighting. “The struggle is the sign of holiness” (some saint I can’t remember). Also something that has really helped me and my fight is listening to Matt Fradd’s two podcasts: “Integrity Restored” and “Love People Use Things.” I.R. Is older and L.P.U.T. Is new but both super insightful and have really been good on my journey of struggle with pornography! Praying for you!
Wow!!!! Impressive! I’m glad I stumbled upon your show. Well done. I look forward to listening more to you.