Fr. Josh answers questions about being friends with your spouse, living out your Catholic faith in a secular workplace, whether sex is just for having babies, and how to heal from past dating wounds. If you have a question, comment, or a response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Glory Story (2:16)
As disciples of Christ we are called to have fun. God delights in us delighting in his creation. This week, try and prioritize doing something that is fun and be a joyful witness to the Gospel.
Listener Feedback (6:09)
Is Your Spouse Your Friend? (7:49)
I have a follow up question about the friendship question you discussed in your podcast tonight. You said we should let go of those friendships if they are not drawing us closer to God and potentially leading us away from God. What are you to do when that friend is your spouse? I took a vow in front of God in church at our wedding to never leave, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love you and honor you all the days of my life. I can’t just walk away or limit my time. What am I to do?
-Mrs. Anonymous
How to be Catholic at Work (13:50)
My name is Michael and I have a question on how to live out faith in the workplace. I work for an organization that has no religious ties whatsoever and I work with a lot of people who are fallen away Catholics and went to Catholic school but don’t believe and go against Catholic teaching and talk openly about it. How do I go about defending the Faith and help bring them back to the Faith in these situations in a very secular environment without seeming like I’m judging, and I how do I bring it up in a tactful yet still unapologetic way? I try to be a good outward example, but I still feel called to be more courageous and I don’t know how to go about it.
Is Sex Just to Make Babies? (19:12)
Is it every married couples’ duty to attempt to bear children every time they have sex?
Healing from Past Dating Wounds (22:20)
My freshman year of college I made some decisions that were not good for me whatsoever. I partied a lot and was getting drunk often- I slept around and allowed myself to be used by men. I put SO much of my worth into what a man thought of me—if I was “hot” or had an attractive “sex appeal.” Needless to say, that left me extremely wounded. I began to come back to my Catholic roots and restore my relationship with Christ in the past 2 years, and I have grown so much.
I have been dating my current boyfriend for over a year now, and we strive to live and grow in our faith both individually and through our relationship together. We have both had sex in the past with other people, but we strive to live chastely together and save sex for marriage. However, I have recently been noticing how my view of sex is very twisted and wounded, even though I have healed so much of those wounds from the past. I find myself viewing sex as dirty and forceful and believing always at least one person is using the other. I am afraid I will never be able to enjoy sexual relations as God intended. When I think about having sex with my future husband, I can’t help but feel a sense of use and him lusting after me. Even when my boyfriend assures me he does not lust after me, I find myself being skeptical. I know I need to continue praying about this wound, but I was wondering if you had any advice and/or resources that may help me with this?
Universal Points (29:57)
Meet Your Host, Fr. Josh Johnson:
While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body.
First time I’ve come across your podcast, Father. It came “hidden” in an Ascension Press email that I was about to delete without reading but held onto it. Thank God I did. It has helped me tremendously.
Now I need to make your podcast part of my regular listening.
Thank you for answering the call from our Lord into His holy priesthood.
God bless you, Father
at the 05:12 mark – it wasn’t St. Philip Neri who said it, it was St. John Bosco. Both saints probably laughed at this in Heaven. Peace! 😀