What do we need to do as Catholic Christians to convey that the message of our religion is one of pure love? So often we misrepresent what it means to be Christian, causing many people to just see judgment when they see us upholding our principles. In this episode, Fr. Mike emphasizes how important it is to live what we believe, and that means loving people so much that even when they harm us, we continue to love them.
Check out other Ascension resources featuring Father Mike Schmitz:
Fr. Mike’s Ascension Presents Videos
The Fr. Mike Schmitz Podcast (his Ascension Presents videos in audio form).
Fr. Mike’s new baptism prep program, Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God.
I Will Follow– a powerful video about Fr. Mike’s Vocation Story.
Altaration– The Mass as teens have never seen it before
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The Great Adventure Blog: Great Adventure Bible Study: http://biblestudyforcatholics.com
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