How Busy Is Too Busy? (with Rachel Balducci)

Rachel Balducci’s new book, Overcommitted: Cut Chaos and Find Balance. is all about busy schedules and how we can find balance — and this time of quarantine is a wonderful opportunity to think about all those things and make a plan for personal and family schedules after quarantine. Rachel and I discuss ways to do that, how we can make prayer a priority, and how to discern those things that are truly important to us as a family.

Rachel is a mom of six and is also my co-host on The Gist on CatholicTV, and my dear friend of many years.


It all starts with prayer. If you’re missing that element, forget it. You could have a Martha Stewart perfect home, a perfect work life, etc., and none of it will matter without a life centered in prayer.

This week, I also answer a question from Jessica who is wondering how to organize her household chores, and if it might make sense to schedule them like Grandma always did. 🙂

Don’t miss the upcoming Catholic Marriage Summit from Joyful Ever After that Dan and I are going to be a part of June 11- 13. It is a free online event, but you do need to register. Go here to sign up!

Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean is the author of many books on Catholic marriage, motherhood, and women’s spirituality, and a well-known Catholic podcaster and media figure. In all of her efforts, Danielle encourages and celebrates all women on their unique vocational paths. She is the host of the Girlfriends podcast as well as the author of Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, and You Are Enough.

Danielle is a dynamic retreat leader and an engaging speaker on a variety of subjects related to Catholic family life, education, marriage, and motherhood. She has been married to her husband, Dan, for 26 years and together they have 8 children.

Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean is the author of many books on Catholic marriage, motherhood, and women’s spirituality, and a well-known Catholic podcaster and media figure. In all of her efforts, Danielle encourages and celebrates all women on their unique vocational paths. She is the host of the Girlfriends podcast as well as the author of Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, and You Are Enough.

Danielle is a dynamic retreat leader and an engaging speaker on a variety of subjects related to Catholic family life, education, marriage, and motherhood. She has been married to her husband, Dan, for 26 years and together they have 8 children.

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