Do you misuse social media? I think we all should pause regularly to assess our habits and discern better use of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, or whatever other social media website or app we’re using. I think there are some things we should never do:
1) Don’t “hate follow” people.
Are you following certain people for bad reasons? Be honest! Cut it out!
2) Don’t compare.
We all are tempted to do it sometimes, but comparing yourself to others will only distract you from your unique call to holiness.
3) Don’t believe it all.
Recognize that you never know the whole story about another person’s life. WhHat you see on social media is filtered and edited.
4) Don’t overshare.
Talk with your kids before you post their photos or events online. Don’t share about your husband and marriage in a way that will violate his trust. Even if it’s cute or funny, or you have a great caption for it, don’t post stuff from your kids that might embarrass them, even years from now.
5) Don’t just skip it all.
This one applies if you have kids. It can be scary and overwhelming to try to keep up with the latest apps and technology, but if you have kids, it is part of your job.
Finally, I share a question about laundry from Sue who emailed that she is drowning in piles of clothing. I share my “system” for laundry with my kids that may help free you from the laundry beast as well!
You’re Worth It! Retreat in Concord, NH
I will be giving my You’re Worth It! Retreat for women in Concord, NH at Christ the king parish on Saturday, June 23. Get more information and register here!
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The You’re Worth It! Retreat for Women
Find out more about bringing this unique event for women to your parish, group, or community. Read more and request more information here.
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My newest book is available!
You’re Worth It! Change How You Feel About Yourself By Discovering How Jesus Feels About You
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