This week we talk about the beginning of Lent and I share some of my plans for the coming forty days. I also share a recent conversation I had with Dr. Ann Garrido, a professor and author.
Ann Garrido, Doctor of Ministry, is associate professor of homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO and a consultant with Triad Consulting Group, a conflict mediation and communications team based in Cambridge, MA. She is the author of six books and numerous articles in the field of Church leadership and ministry.
Ann’s Books mentioned in this episode:
Living the Gospel: Daily Devotions for Lent 2018
In this show, I also share some feedback for Taylor, who is the young wife, newly-pregnant with twins who asked for prayer support last week.
Some Places Danielle Will Be:
I hope to meet you!
February 17: Danielle will be speaking at Together in Holiness marriage conference in Tulsa, OK
March 10: Danielle will be speaking at the Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference in Rochester, NY
March 24: Danielle will be speaking that the Catholic Women of Faith Conference in Nashville, TN
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The You’re Worth It! Retreat for Women
Find out more about bringing this unique event for women to your parish, group, or community. Read more and request more information here.
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My newest book is available!
You’re Worth It! Change How You Feel About Yourself By Discovering How Jesus Feels About You
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