Fr. Mike Schmitz Reviews “Sound of Freedom” Movie

In our world today, there are millions trapped in slavery and sex trafficking. The most horrific and devastating example of this is the sale of the weakest and most vulnerable in society, our children.

Today, Fr. Mike shares his honest review of the film, “Sound of Freedom,” currently in theaters, and offers a word of encouragement for how each of us can confront this terrible reality head-on and proactively do something about it.

Meet Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike Schmitz serves as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as chaplain for the Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

He is a presenter in Ascension’s ChosenAltaration, and The 99 programs, and has a channel on Ascension Presents. He is also the host of the Ascension podcasts The Bible in a Year and The Catechism in a Year.


  1. Dear Fr. Mike,

    I did Bible In A Year and loved it, and I watch your masses. You are very talented, and a wonderful spokesman for Our Lord!
    That being said, this post did not age well.

    Tim Ballard is not on the up and up; conversely, he has lied about his background, allegedly sexually abused the women he had brought in to do his “couples ruse” to “save children” and was recently excommunicated and ousted from the very organization he started.

    The movie was 90 percent pure fiction and for Tim Ballard, it was very self-aggrandizing. I volunteered for a local women’s organization in San Diego during the time Tim was working in California, and we raised money and awareness for women and children who were human trafficking victims. I did a little research online, and the crux of this movie, the boy with the medallion never happened. None of it. Nada.

    Your Bible In A Year podcast got me through some very difficult and scary times during the pandemic. I had to deal with a lot of crazy family during that time, denying the pandemic and going down the QANON rabbit hole, and your podcast was so helpful in getting through that horrible time. Yes, there are children being trafficked, and no, they are not being adrenochromed. Save The Children is a great organization, but the name was hijacked and actually pulled resources away from truly helping children. That is not something Jesus of the Bible would condone.

    We are all human, and some of us are trusting of others where there should be more discernment. This is one of those times. It would be great if you did a follow-up to this movie, and speak about and refer people to legitimate Anti-Trafficking organizations (State Victims Of Crime Organizations is a good start), and maybe share the signs of human trafficking. And that children are not being adrenochromed.

    I have come to terms with family and friends who went off the deep end during COVID, and all the “Save The Children” craziness all over social media, but I think that it is so strange that when some people who fear God fear Satan so much that they unwillingly perpetrate evil, by misjudgment, believing they are saving souls from perdition.

  2. Thank you for speaking for these “slaves of fallen humanity” – God’s children.


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