Dropping Hosts, Not Kneeling at Mass, and the Devil in Our Thoughts

Fr. Josh answers questions about what to do when a consecrated Host is dropped during Communion, if the devil and demons can read our thoughts when we’re tempted, and what to do about a congregation that doesn’t kneel during Mass. 

Snippet from the Show

“Fight the devil the same way Jesus fought the devil. Whenever you recognize some temptation, quote Scripture out loud, and say  ‘Get behind me Satan’. The word of God will fight for us.”


Glory Story (2:20)

Listener Feedback (4:58) 

Dropping Hosts (6:51)

Last Sunday, during Communion, as I was peeking at the consecrated host from my hand I dropped it, and it fell to the floor by my feet. I gasped, and immediately grabbed it up and put it in my mouth. I was beyond mortified. I know part of it was embarrassment of those who may have seen me but I couldn’t believe I’d been so careless with our Lord. Why wouldn’t I be more attentive during those few minutes I’m receiving Holy Communion. I prayed deeply about this and I heard him chuckle and say “Really, it’s okay.” I just can’t get that sight out of my mind: seeing him, Jesus, on the floor. I pray this never ever happens to me again, but if it does, what is the appropriate thing to do? Is there something more I should do now after making this awful blunder, is this a sin I need to confess? 

A Clumsy Lover of Christ

Devil in Our Thoughts  (11:09)

Dear Father Josh,

My friend and I enjoy your podcast so very much. It is my favorite to listen to during commutes or travel, and some of the things you say are so profound to me I either have to stop the podcast and keep repeating it in my head, rewind and replay it over and over, and I usually write it down so I can meditate on the words even more. Your book is also amazing and I can’t wait for the new book to be released. You’re a blessing, keep up the awesome work. Here’s our question: does the devil have access to our minds? Does he know our thoughts as God knows our thoughts and our innermost being. We were thinking that the devil does not know our thoughts and the way that we can protect ourselves from his temptation and masterful lies was to never verbalize our thoughts and feelings, to never think out loud if you will. To keep thoughts inside so as to not allow the enemy to know our secrets. If he can’t access our thoughts then he can’t tempt us and control our minds, or use our thoughts and feelings against us. How exactly does the devil tempt us and can he get into our head?

Two Friends from Texas

Not Kneeling at Mass  (24:03)

Hi Father Josh,

Recently I moved away for college and started attending Mass at one of the local Catholic churches. I was a bit surprised when none of the congregation kneeled down during the Eucharistic prayers. In fact, the pews did not even have kneelers. I’ve since started attending a different Catholic church nearby. This was the first Catholic church I’d ever seen that doesn’t kneel, and it made me curious about the reason. Should I avoid going to this particular church because of this? 



Meet Your Host

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. Then, one day in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest.

Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in three of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, and The 99 as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation.


  1. It’s Ok not to kneel according to the church I attended in San Jose, California. 90 % did not and the cathedral does not have anywhere to kneel. We all stood during the Eucharistic prayer.

  2. Dear Fr. Josh,
    Whenever I receive the Holy Communion from my parish priest, he drops it on my hand instead of giving it to me, and I always afraid that our Lord will fall from my hand. I know we have our differences, but I can’t believe how he could be so careless about our Lord. I’m terrified to receive Holy Communion from him. Fr Josh, what shall I do?? Please pray for him.

    • When you reach out for Communion put both hands together in a cupped manner. It is almost impossible for the Lord to fall this way.

    • This is a good reason why we should all just receive it on the tongue instead of our unconsecrated hands.
      Receiving the Holy Eucharist on our hands just opens the door to accidents with the host, desecration and theft.


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