Fr. Josh answers questions about how to pray to God after a divorce, why the Old Testament is full of God’s wrath yet in the New Testament he is full of mercy, and why only Catholic priests can consecrate the host into Jesus’ body, blood, soul, and divinity.
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Snippet from the Show
According to Jesus, you are a gift. He spoke your true identity.
Glory Story (3:03)
Anytime you try to respond in a way that would go against the way Jesus Christ would respond, you are trying to be someone that you are not.
Listener Feedback (6:49)
Divorce (15:58)
My now-ex-husband and I had been married for ten years. We have two boys and are expecting our third in April. He just filed for divorce a few weeks ago and the divorce was granted. He first mentioned divorce about seven months ago and I have been desperately praying for him to have a change of heart since then (obviously he did have a change of heart for a while, hence the baby on the way but it didn’t stick).
During Advent, I have been doing the Rejoice Advent meditations, which as you know have focused a lot on Mary and her trust and surrender to God’s plan. My question is, can I at the same time be praying for my own desired outcome to my current situation, which is for my husband to come back to me and for us to be a family again, and at the same time be submitting myself to and trusting in God’s will? Are those two incongruent ideas? I often hear of the importance of persistence in prayer, but at the same time that God’s plan may look different than our plans.
Feel free to point me to any resources you have that might answer this questions. And also say a prayer for my family and me!
Thanks, and God bless you and your work!
God’s Wrath in the Old Testament (24:29)
Wanted to first start off and say thanks for actually saying yes to the Lord and doing this podcast. I feel this podcast has been extremely helpful in getting to know the Lord better and helps me on my way toward sainthood. For context, I am a young adult (23) and have been feeling a deep desire to learn more about the Lord and grow closer to him. Your podcast has helped me learn so much more about our faith and has helped me learn more about myself. Your challenges during each podcast are wonderful and the questions being asked are all the questions I have also had!
Because of this, it also helps me in knowing I’m not alone in having all of these questions and that the struggle is real in learning more about ourselves and in our journey toward sainthood. It’s as if God is using you as a vessel to speak directly to me sometimes. So I ask that you pray for me in my walk toward sainthood!
Anyway, moving on to my question. The Big Bang podcast really helped me have a deeper understanding about the Old Testament and the Catholic belief. I had a follow-up question about the Old Testament that I’ve had others ask me but I never knew how to answer. It’s about how God is depicted in the Old Testament versus the New Testament. I was wondering why God in the New Testament is shown as an all loving God while in the Old Testament, he seems more angry. Granted, I recognize that our understanding of God has shifted over time, and God never changes so God has always been the same loving and merciful God and that God is God—so human logic and human rules don’t apply to him, but I didn’t really know how to answer it. I hope I articulated this well and that you can understand my question.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (31:48)
Hello Father Josh,
I listen to your podcast a lot and I love the work you are a doing. I have a question regarding the Eucharist and the Mass. first of all, I find it a bit confusing to understand the “Sacrifice” of the Mass. Do we re-sacrifice Jesus in every mass. Was the one sacrifice by Jesus not enough? Also, I am aware the Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus which we believe can only be found in the Catholic Church or Orthodox Churches. However, I have been to some Protestant churches where they somewhat believe in the real presence. My question is, why can’t a Protestant minister also make the bread and wine the actual body and blood of Jesus? Why is their communion not valid; so to speak. Thank you!
Universal Points (37:48)
- Divorce – Remember A.R.R.R.
- God’s Wrath in the Old Testament – God is God. Always try to look at the Scriptures through the lens that God is blessing us.
- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – Keep in mind substance, accidents, matter, and form.
- Broken and Blessed
- Advent Meditations
- Nothing to Hold Onto and Climb – Songs by: Will Reagan
- Emily Cavins Blog Article – Why Was the Old Testament God Vengeful?
- CCC 1366 – 1367
Meet Your Host:

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body and author of Broken and Blessed.