Be Specific – A Key for Spiritual Growth (Virtues and Family)

How can you grow more in virtue? How can you be a better parent, spouse, or friend? Jeff Cavins shares how the practice of being specific can impact your growth in virtue and your role as a family member or friend. Using Scripture and personal wisdom, Jeff offers practical ways to get more specific.

Snippet form the Show
One of the greatest ways to love someone well is to listen to them well.



“Nothing gets dynamic until it gets specific.”

Criteria for Being Specific

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil 4:8).


In any relationship, it is essential to listen well. Listening carefully to others takes practice. It isn’t always something that a person is naturally good at. However, listening well to others shows incredible respect and love. By listening well, you are showing the other person that they have value and are worth your time and attention.

Develop Virtue

Here are some of the Christian and moral virtues: faith, hope, charity, justice, goodness, honest, wisdom, prudence, fortitude, temperance, and modesty in talk and in conduct. Every Christian is called to develop each virtue in themselves. By striving for virtue, we are striving for holiness and closeness with God.

Psalm 101:3

“I will not set before my eyes anything that is base. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cleave to me.”


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Meet Your Host: Jeff Cavins

Jeff Cavins is passionate about helping people understand Scripture and become disciples of Jesus Christ. Though he was born Catholic, Jeff went to Bible school and served as a protestant minister for twelve years before reverting to the Catholic Faith. Jeff then received his MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Since then, he has become a leading Catholic evangelist and author.

Jeff created The Bible Timeline learning system, which revolutionized Catholic Bible Study for millions of Catholics. Since its introduction, Jeff has developed The Great Adventure series of Bible studies to help people better understand Sacred Scripture and its meaning for their lives. 

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