Are you wondering where to find all of Ascension’s new content posted this week? Look no further. It’s all here.
Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Consistency Will Make You Holy
Have you ever wanted to become really good at something, but then quickly became discouraged as soon as you realized how much time and effort you would have to invest in it in order to master it? Well, in this video, Fr. Mike talks about one important thing that makes these aspirations more attainable. Consistency is not just a rote disciplinary measure forced on us by teachers and coaches. In the end, Fr. Mike points out, it’s about faithfulness toward whatever it is you are aiming to achieve—including holiness.
Encountering the Word
Becoming Like John the Baptist
Jeff Cavins speaks of how St. John the Baptist was a “polished arrow in the quiver of the Lord” and explains how we can be one as well, as he reflects on the readings for the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in this week’s Encountering the Word video.
Matt Fradd
Sexual Desire vs. Lust and Other Popular Questions

Finding Deep Peace in Jesus With Prayer
Parishes, Please Invest in Better Music
Whether we like it or not, people leave parishes because of bad music. While music is not essential to the Mass, it has the potential to move people’s hearts and draw them closer to Christ. In this podcast, Steven Joubert (a writer, musician, and youth minister) explains why it is so important for every parish to invest time and effort in music. You may be surprised at how doing just this actually builds up parishes in other ways as well.
To find out more about Steven or to listen to his music, visit
Real Mom Connections
What a fun conversation we had with Heather Anderson Renshaw, wife, mom, writer, speaker, and upcoming author of Death By Minivan! With humor and grace, Heather shares about embracing her vocation as a mom, “growing up” in her marriage, and how she juggles family life with her work as a writer.
Infidelity, Venial Sins, Letting Go, and Anger
Fr. Josh answers questions about infidelity and divorce, confessing venial sins, letting go, and feeling anger towards others. If you have a question, comment, or a response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Let’s start giving the most important relationships in our lives some undivided attention.
I Was Raised on Wonder Bread
Whether it’s a product, new food fad, or political view, you’re probably tired of being sold things. With all the noise in our culture, here is what we aren’t hearing. We aren’t hearing a lot of people bringing up Jesus Christ and the wisdom of God in everything going on around us. We can listen to all the news and keep up with the latest trends, but the bottom line is, are we really seeking God and not the world in every aspect of our lives? Jeff Cavins discusses these matters and more in his podcast this week.
Ascension Blog
What Does the Church Say about Capitalism?
While the Church certainly favors a market economy (i.e., capitalism) and recognizes the right to private property and even profit as an indicator of business health, it does so with certain qualifications. Read More …
What’s Wrong with Communism?
When St. John Paul II reflected upon the fall of communism, he insisted that it was a mistake to view its failure simply as a matter of economic inefficiency. Read More …
10 Points for Effective Parish Ministry
According to Pope St. John Paul II, the parish is “the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters.” It is the unit of the Church closest to the lives of the people. Read More …
How Sacred Architecture Conveys Gospel Truth and Beauty
It’s probably happened to you before. You’ve visited Rome, or Spain, or perhaps even an older East Coast city in the United States, and you’ve been blown away by the absolute beauty of the local church there. Read More …
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