Hearing God’s Voice (with Teresa Tomeo)

My guest this week is author and radio show host Teresa Tomeo. Teresa is host of Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio and her newest book is Listening for God: Discovering the Incredible Ways God Speaks to Us.

We talk about some of the stories from her new book and ways we can all pay more attention to the ways God intervenes in our lives and communicates his will for us.


“God didn’t promise he’d lay it all out for us, he promised us his daily bread.”


This week I also take on a listener’s question about how to give up coffee (WHY though;-)). I share some ideas for giving up any habit you might want to change in 2021. If you have a goal for 2021 I would love to hear from you. Let me know what your goals are! I will be sharing some ideas for setting goals in a future episode.

My newest book is one that I wrote with Dan, the Manual for Marriage, a beautiful resource for every couple. In it, Dan and I share reflective essays on marriage and family life, but it also features a large collection of prayers, Scripture passages, hymns, and stories from the saints that will encourage and support you in your married relationship.  

I have received so much feedback from all of you about my newest book and the first chapter that I shared with you at the end of episode 210Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections on the Gift of Motherhood is a book in which I share from my heart about the very real changes, challenges, triumphs, and joys of being a mom in an “emptying nest.” You can read that sample chapter at Ave Maria Press. (Use the coupon code BEAN20 to get 20% off your order!)

My book, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth, is available for order! Use the code, GIRLFRIENDS to receive ten percent off your order. Don’t miss out on this special available exclusively to listeners of the Girlfriends podcast. 

Have feedback or an idea to share? I would love to hear from you!


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The You’re Worth It! Retreat for Women

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Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean is the author of many books on Catholic marriage, motherhood, and women’s spirituality, and a well-known Catholic podcaster and media figure. In all of her efforts, Danielle encourages and celebrates all women on their unique vocational paths. She is the host of the Girlfriends podcast as well as the author of Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, and You Are Enough.

Danielle is a dynamic retreat leader and an engaging speaker on a variety of subjects related to Catholic family life, education, marriage, and motherhood. She has been married to her husband, Dan, for 26 years and together they have 8 children.


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