Grace in Tension (with Claire McGarry)

This week’s guest is Claire McGarry, author of Grace in Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Mary. Claire and Danielle discuss ways that all women struggle to find a balance between our inner Martha and Mary. Claire shares her own experience and insight in ways that are sure to inspire you!

Snippet from the Show
Let God be your shelter. Let him be your comfort.


You can find Claire McGarry on Facebook, Instagram, and You can also reach her blog Shifting My Perspective via or

When faced with stress and tension, there is a process we can take in order to allow God to transform our anxieties. The acronym for this process is G-I-F-T.

G – Gage what the stress or tension is. Sit with God and discern what is at the root of this stress or tension.

I – Invite the stress in. Our tendency is to push stress away. However, when we face our stress, we are able to lessen its power over us.

F – Filter this stress/tension with the gaze of God. God looks upon everything with eyes of love. If we can look at our stress or tension through the filter of his gaze, we can reach the next step.

T – Transform the tension. Act with God and transform your stress or tension.

My new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is available to order!


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Megan Madden

Megan Madden is a homeschooling mother with a passion for writing and speaking on authentic femininity and virtuous womanhood. In 2017, she began graduate studies in marriage and family at the International Theological Institute in Austria. After moving to Kraków, Poland to work with university students, Megan more personally continued her research on the complementarity of man and woman, particularly on the question of what it means to be a woman. She delved into the study of renowned Catholic writers on women such as St. Edith Stein, Gertrude von le Fort, Alice von Hildebrand, St. John Paul II, and St. Teresa of Avila.

The results were the development of Megan’s online ministry A Mother’s Lace, as well as speaking opportunities and her book with Ascension: Mary, Teach Me to Be Your Daughter.

Megan lives outside of Oxford, England with her husband, who is a lecturer in theology, and their five children.

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