7 Ways to Get Motivated to Exercise

Are you feeling the winter blah’s yet? Have you already given up on your New Year’s resolutions? Here are 7 ideas for ways to help you get motivated to exercise – even in these cold dark winter days.

Snippet from the Show
We have so many different obligations that make it hard to find the motivation to workout.


  1. Take a 15 minute walk.

Start where you are and start small. Just go for a walk! Right now! Taking action right now will help you make positive moves toward regular exercise.

  1. Offer it up.

Choose a special prayer intention or offer up your work out for the intentions of someone you love who is going through something hard right now. All suffering and sacrifice has value – don’t waste it – offer it up!

  1. Be creative.

Embrace new ways of thinking about exercise. It doesn’t have to look like going to the gym or doing a video workout to “count.” Dancing in the living room, running up the stairs, and doing laundry can “count” as exercise. Look for creative ways to add more movement to your days.

  1. Keep track.

You might wear a fitness tracker or just keep a journal of your efforts. Tracking your activity and workouts can be very motivating and give you a great sense of accomplishment.

  1. Forget “all or nothing.”

Every little bit counts! Forgive yourself for being out of shape or neglecting exercise and start right now, right where you are. Missing a day is not an excuse to throw it all out the window.

  1. Reward yourself.

Keep it simple and not too indulgent, but look for a way to pair exercise with something you really like. Maybe watching a TV show, listening to a podcast, or treating yourself to a smoothie.

  1. Buddy up.

Everything is more fun with a friend! Enlist a friend in your fitness goals. Exercise with a friend (or even your kid or husband!) can help hold you accountable and help you feel not so alone in your workouts.

Listener Question (30:05)

What are your thoughts on letting your little one cry it out? There are so many different methods of sleep training and I would really appreciate any advice you can give.

My new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is available to order!


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Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean is the author of many books on Catholic marriage, motherhood, and women’s spirituality, and a well-known Catholic podcaster and media figure. In all of her efforts, Danielle encourages and celebrates all women on their unique vocational paths. She is the host of the Girlfriends podcast as well as the author of Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, and You Are Enough.

Danielle is a dynamic retreat leader and an engaging speaker on a variety of subjects related to Catholic family life, education, marriage, and motherhood. She has been married to her husband, Dan, for 26 years and together they have 8 children.


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