Are you ready for Lent? These 40 days tend to sneak up on us. As you prepare for this season, Fr. Mike has some valuable advice and information for you before the journey begins.
Preparing for Lent
What is still in your life that can’t be in your life if you want to follow Jesus? In this video, Fr. Mike explains the purpose of Lent, what prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are, and he challenges us to grow more fruitfully and purposefully during this season.
Picking a Thing for Lent
Are you still deciding what to do for Lent? If so, this video should help you figure it out! Fr. Mike offers helpful tips on determining what sacrifice is right for you this year. He reminds us that the trick isn’t to do something extraordinary or overly difficult but to do something necessary.
What’s the Purpose of Lent?
It’s great to have an answer for what you’ll do for Lent, but did you forget the why? Why do we spend 40 days every year praying, fasting, and almsgiving? In this video, Fr. Mike discusses where this season comes from and how today’s practices and experiences draw us all the way back to the Israelites in the Book of Exodus.
Where Is Lent in the Bible?
In this quick video, Fr. Mike answers all the most common questions Catholics have about Lent. He explains where this season began, the significance of the number 40, why we still practice it today, and how to make the most of these coming weeks.
How to Start Strong and Stay Strong
It’s pretty easy to start the season of Lent off well. You’re excited to begin this time of growth, and you’ve picked your sacrifices carefully. The real challenge, Fr. Mike reminds us, is staying strong. How can we persevere through these 40 days? Fr. Mike has some suggestions and reminders as we begin our journey into the desert.
The Significance of Ash Wednesday
Whether you’re the type to embrace the ashes or subtly rub them off, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our pilgrimage. What is the significance of this day, though? Fr. Mike explains the deeper meaning behind the crosses on our foreheads and how this day reminds us of repentance and conversion.
4 Reasons for Fasting
We know fasting is a big part of Lent, but why exactly do we do it? In this video, Fr. Mike offers 4 reasons to fast. You’ll learn the purpose of this practice and the benefits of self-mastery as you implement this pillar into your sacrifices this year.
Fasting Can Change You Forever
Continuing our exploration into fasting, Fr. Mike also offers this video explaining how this practice can truly change your life. We learn that fasting isn’t just about strengthening our will and showing God how much we love him, but it’s about freeing ourselves from unnecessary desires.
Going to Confession for the First Time in a Long Time
One of the most important ways to prepare your heart and soul for Lent is to go to Confession before and during the season. It can be daunting, especially if you haven’t been in a while, but Fr. Mike explains that this sacrament is a never-ending place for love, mercy, and forgiveness.
4 Reasons Catholics Must Give Alms This Lent
What exactly does “giving alms” mean, and why is it a Lenten pillar? Watching this will answer all your alms questions and provide you with enough information to discern how God is calling you to be a joyful giver this Lent.
If Lent Doesn’t Make You Feel Good…
This video reminds us of the true purpose of our sacrifices. It’s okay not to feel joyful during this season, but it is important to work to become more like Christ. Fr. Mike addresses the upcoming pains, discouragements, and difficulties and encourages us to look beyond ourselves during this time.
Lent is a Process—Not an Event
Conversion and repentance usually take time. Turning our hearts away from sin and re-focusing them on God is a process that usually takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication. Here Fr. Mike reminds us that participating in Lent doesn’t necessarily mean spontaneous conversion, instead, we should embrace and trust the process.
How to Live This Lent for Others
In this video, Fr. Mike discusses how, ironically, you can actually dedicate yourself too much to praying, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent. This happens when we focus on ourselves and our sacrifices while forgetting our brothers and sisters in the process. The trick to living this Lent for others and not for ourselves involves a little something called generosity.
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Meet Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike Schmitz serves as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as chaplain for the Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.
He is a presenter in Ascension’s Chosen, Altaration, and The 99 programs, and has a channel on Ascension Presents. He is also the host of the Ascension podcasts The Bible in a Year and The Catechism in a Year.

A dear friend of mine is Catholic. She blessed me with a gift that was blessed for Good Friday.
Fr Mike,
New listener, heretic Methodist, with a Lenten question.
What’s a good time to start “preparing for Lent. I tend to take a while to settle on a “thing,” probably because I’m not aware of the timing in the year. Have taken to living one day /moment as it comes. Not as helpful in this particular case. My deep desire for Christ, my Love and Lord, results in me seeking to go deep as I know the changes he has wrought in my through these 60 yrs of life.
Grateful for your ministry offerings,
This series is very good! Each video is just the right length for instruction and encouragement! I am through about half of the videos and have some conrete, specific things that I need to work on this Lent. Thank you Father Mike!
Iam listening to the Bible in a year and catechism in a year and just love them all I read most all of the Bible during Covid shut down but didn’t understand some of it. Fr. Mike has really helped me
Thank you God Bless
All these videos were so helpful during my first Lent. Thank you!
Dear Father Mike,
Even after finishing both Bible and Catechism in a year, I still look forward to starting my day with you; by either re-listening to certain parts of this series (right now I’m re-listening to the prayer section of the catechism), or finding new content that you provide. I always learn something new and or reminded of what I’ve learned in the past. You are very relatable to me personally. I feel like we’re having a conversation and I’m not be spoken at, if you understand my meaning. Anyway, thank you for all you and the team at Ascension do. God Bless you and I DO pray for you 🙂.
Hi, it’s me again. I forgot to say thank you for such a wonderful opportunity to learn more of God’s plan for my life.
A heartfelt thank you.
I am one day 110 reading the Bible in a year and also day 110 reading the catechism in a year with you, Fr. Mike. I began the bible years ago with Jeff Cavins but never got to finish it.
I met him and Scott Hahn years ago when they did a program from EWTN (about 2003 or so).
This is so inspiring and certainly I am learning so much of the stories of the bible, God’s story and where I fit in with my own story. I never considered before that even Jesus’s family was broken way back with David and so my own broken family is my responsibility to try to bring them all to Jesus to heal them. I now see that as the reason I am still living out of all my siblings. I accept the responsibility of all my sibling’s families as well. I am almost 87 (March). God is so Good!!!
I love listening to Father Mike. He is uplifting. Informative and fun to learn from. Thank you for teaching me, Father Mike!!!
Fr. Schmitz you have helped me so much grow more in Love with God. As a cradle catholic I felt I knew all about God but going to confession the priest told me I needed to have a relationship with God. I did not know where to start and then “The Bible in a year” came along and it feels the more I learn the more I need to know. Thank you for the blessings you have brought to my faith and love for God.
Hello, I have to say Fr Mike really spoke to my heart in these videos. Thank you so very much for them. They answered so many questions. Ascension with Fr Mike & Jeff Cavins do so much good. I’ve done the BIY & CIY and Bible Adventure.
Thank you 😊
Thank you Father Mike. You speak in such a relatable contemporary way. You’re helping this lapsed Catholic come back to the church and perhaps finally understand it instead of fear it. Thank you!.
Hello! Thanks you for the different subjects!! Much needed….. I just have one question. I thought Lent was practiced the whole of Lent and not permitting yourself anything on Sundays…..Isn’t it better to be consistent and celebrating Lent the whole time???
Thank you!
Loved your videos on Lent. Very helpful. I love listening to your sermons also. Thank you for all you do.
I appreciate this broadcast so much. God bless you, all my prayers include Father Mike and all that make this broadcast available.
May God continue to strengthen and preserve you for the sake of the glory you bring to His Mighty Word. Your work on @hallowApp has changed my life. I cannot wait for the transformative journey this lent will bring walking with God and guiding us through you. Thank you for being a vessel of His mercy in our lives.
I have joined Father Mike Schmitz ; two years of the Bible and one
year with the Catechism. I must admit I never thought I would be able to
commit to daily readings, however, he is encouraging as he is so enthusiastic.
He has been very resourceful in addressing faith questions. He is a blessing.
Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information! May God bless you this upcoming Lenten season!
As always, Fr. Mike explains the things all Catholics are thinking about and provides easy to understand explanations applicable to our daily lives.
Dear Father Mike,
I do enjoy listening to you and have viewed your videos on Lent and preparation. I do find this helpful. I still and grappling with the sacrament of confession. I do receive communion every Sunday and I do ask God’s forgiveness. I never truly hada great experience with confession. I am not sure if this is holding me back but the last time I received the sacrament was 10 years ago when my Mompassed away. It was a one on one experience and the priest was great. Why can’t our sins be forgiven at each mass? Thank you for your time and perspective.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Father Mike, for your very special ministry! In each and every one of your videos and podcasts, you witness to God’s truth and love. Through your warmth, enthusiasm, and wonderful sense of humor, you enable each of us to encounter God’
s truth in our minds, and His love in our hearts. God has given you marvelous spiritual gifts that enable you to be a personal presence to “others out there in cyberspace,” and we feel like we have had a personal encounter with you, who in turn, invite each of us to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. May God bless you always, and may He bless your ministry!
I am really enjoying Fr. Mike’s The Bible in a Year podcast! He really explains all the readings and makes me think.
Thank you father Mike, Your words and how you explain things have open up my heart and mind to a New me. God has heal my heart when it was broken beyond repair but you have help me gain the tools to build the life that I deserve through Gods Will and I have been blessed beyond measure.
These videos are so helpful and enlightening. Thank you for practical guidance for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and why we do them. Your personality and passion are inspiring. Sending these to loved ones.
God bless you!
You are truly a blessing . I am listening to you read the Bible and it has been a wonderful experience. GOD has blessed us with such a wonderful priest.
Thank you so much
Since I listened to Fr Mike’s Bible in a year for2 years in a row plus Catechism in a year, I have been in complete Fr Mike withdrawal!!! So I am thrilled to listen to these videos to help with my Lenten journey in 2024. Thank you Fr Mike
Father Mike, If it weren’t for you I don’t think I would have started reading the Bible. I love your Bible in a Year program (I’m in the middle right now). You’re one of the key people (aside from Jesus of course) that brought me back to my faith (Catholic). Thank you.
Wow! What a comprehensive compilation! Father Mike is such a wonderful gift. Thank you for all you do.
Fr. Mike is such a Blessing! His wisdom, his intellect, his sense of humor, his compassion, his sensitivity to others are truly gifts from God! Thank you for being you, Fr. Mike! We are indeed praying for you!
Father. Mike gives such wonderful material for us to ponder. Thank you for everything he does.
I’m listening to both the Bible and Catechism podcasts. Father has gotten me so engaged in them! I can’t remember when I was so enthusiastic about something! Well done!!! God bless you Father Mike, for taking the time to prepare these podcasts. Amen.
Wow Thank you! I’ll take time to look at all of this!
It is Fr. Mike’s presentation that makes what he brings to the screen more pliable in my life. What he brings somehow hits the cords of my heart. I know this all sounds corny, but I’ve always had a hard time picking up the Bible, reading and understanding it. I am 78 years old and in all the times I have picked up the Bible and put it down (and there have been man) I feel Fr. Mike has brought the Bible to me.
I don’t even remember how I got to him but I have prayed to the Lord to show me “how to” for scripture and I was led to him and Fr. Mike alongside the Lord has not let me down. I look forward to viewing the videos above. Thank you
Great energy and a compelling presentation, Fr. Mike! Thank you!
I love father Mike dedicated help to the youth and all us , but in our province of Quebec, we have know catholic teachings in our schools, it’s hard to reach out to the community, what can we do?
Father Mike, I love ALL your podcasts. In your “Purpose of Lent” one you talk about the significance of the #40. Another significant purpose God gave 40 is that it is the exact number of weeks of a full term pregnancy. Like you said “preparing”- in this case to be a parent. God sure knew what he was doing!😊😊
AWESOME! love the videos that help explain what Lent truly is and how we are to participate in these 40 days of getting closer to Jesus.
Thank you for Bible in a year. That was 2023 for me. I missed it after going 3 days into 2024 and am back at it. I am Lutheran and don’t understand many things of the Catholic faith which Fr Mike explained. Thank you. I will continue may journey with content such as you offer here. May God bless this outreach.
Thanks father Mike !
God bless you and let grow joy in your heart!
Also big thanks to Ascension team!
I hope one day some event with presenters from Ascension will be organized in Europe that’s possible to join in person.
I I am absolutely delighted to hear that Fr.Mike Schmitz is hosting and speaker at other venues!! I absolutely love how excited he gets when he’s delivering a message an any religion related topic. I have a couple of his CDs.! And will definitely listen in the areas above mentioned 🤗👏. Way to go Fr.Schmitz, God Bless you always 🙏🙏.