Why We LOVE the Catechism of the Catholic Church

We know the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a powerful resource for understanding Church teachings, Scripture, and Tradition. Something we don’t often hear about is the absolute beauty of this work.

Bobby and Jackie Angel discuss why they love the Catechism and the poetic elements that unveil the Catholic Faith. They tell us why we should join them in listening to The Catechism in a Year podcast.

Listen to Fr. Mike’s new podcast, The Catechism in a Year!

If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you!

Get the free reading plan

Meet Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a full-time worship leader and speaker. Bobby Angel is a campus minister and theology teacher at a Catholic high school. Married in 2013, they have four beautiful children and strive to grow in holiness each day!

See more videos from them here or visit their website.