Why Did God Let Them Die?

Grief is natural, and sadness at the death of a loved one is to be expected. But what about people who feel anger in their bereavement? Especially anger at God?

Fr. Mike shares a difficult truth for those who wish their loved ones were still with them instead of with Jesus in heaven.

New Podcast from Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR: The Rosary in a Year!

Download the Prayer Plan!

Meet Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike Schmitz serves as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as chaplain for the Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

He is a presenter in Ascension’s ChosenAltaration, and The 99 programs, and has a channel on Ascension Presents. He is also the host of the Ascension podcasts The Bible in a Year and The Catechism in a Year.