Love, Truth, and Pride Month

In today’s video, Father Mark-Mary points out how the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which reveals the warmth of God’s love and the light of his truth, provides the model and key for Catholics to engage in the world’s conversation about Pride.

In reflecting on the image of the Sacred Heart, Fr. Mark-Mary offers a threefold challenge to Catholics of goodwill during this month of June:

  1. Read the Papal document “Caritas in Veritate” by Pope Benedict XVI.
  2. Read the book “Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction.”
  3. Spend time carefully listening to the stories of people with experiences different from your own in this area, and be willing to share the truths of God’s mercy in love.

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Meet Fr. Mark-Mary

Father Mark-Mary was ordained as a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR) in 2018 and lives at a friary in the Bronx.

The mission of the CFRs is to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus through fidelity to the Church and her Sacraments. Paired with their commitment to prayer, contemplation, and study of Sacred Scripture, the CFRs serve those around them, especially the poor, in the footsteps of Christ.

Discover beautiful music from the CFRs and Fr. Mark-Mary’s book Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Spiritual Progressboth available from Ascension.