Brother Malachy isn’t messing around when it comes to listening to God’s will. He puts his entire conversion story on the table and lays it out for all to see, to show his viewers how—if you sincerely give your whole life to God—he does not disappoint.
Brother Malachy kept nothing for himself.
Even after being offered a free ride for an undergraduate and graduate degree in literature at the University of Georgia, and having the chance to have his best friend as his roommate, he still felt like he hadn’t found God’s will. He still felt like God was calling him to something more. He was asking God what he wanted, but he wasn’t listening.
Brother Malachy gave up the full scholarship offer, and took some months off to discern. Eventually he found himself entering the brotherhood of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
Learn his full story, including many more interesting details, in this video.
Do you feel like God is calling you to something greater? If so, stop messing around and take your discernment seriously.
God has something prepared for you that is better than anything you even dared to imagine, but you have to start by listening to God’s will.
Learn more about the CFRs here.
If you’ve been watching the CFR’s videos on Ascension Presents regularly, you’ve probably noticed how they’re popularized the phrase, “Somos peregrinos. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar” (We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will arrive.)
Now you can buy your own music and swag to spread that message even further with the Poco a Poco collection.