Fr. Mike answers some hard questions from his #askfrmike inquirers, starting with a question about the controversial book and movie, “Silence”, wherein two renowned Portuguese priests travel to Japan and deny Christ to prevent the suffering of their parishioners.
After telling the story, Fr. Mike says if we ever were placed in such a dire situation, the question would not be “What would I do?” but rather, “What is the right thing to do?” Fr. Mike clarifies, “To deny Jesus will always be the wrong thing to do.” Blaming someone for not denying Jesus, and thereby allowing suffering, is a red herring because it distracts people from the ones truly causing the suffering, the actual torturers.
Answering another question from his viewers, Fr. Mike addresses the need to keep a healthy balance between caring for our bodies and caring for our souls. That means putting prayer and time with Jesus before working out. Click here to see Bobby Angel’s take on working out.
See more #askfrmike videos here.
Check out Fr. Mike’s newest project Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike, a feature-packed teacher’s guide designed to accompany Fr. Mike’s most popular videos, presented on a convenient DVD. Teachers, catechists, and youth ministers can supplement USCCB curriculum, prompt small-group discussion, and answer students’ questions easily and powerfully with this teacher’s guide and DVD.
Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God
Chosen: This is Your Catholic Faith
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed
YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body
Ascension Presents … Fr. Mike Schmitz