Prayer, which is essentially just talking to God, is a personal journey, one that can often seem daunting if we haven’t been led in it before. God is constantly longing to connect with you, and it doesn’t have to be this big production of having the right materials or the perfect setting. The truth is, you can pray to God in everything you do throughout the day, and not only will this strengthen your relationship with him, but it will also help you dive deeper into different areas of the faith.
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary and Danielle Bean share their own journeys with prayer, and offer words of encouragement for diving deeper into your relationship with God.
Meet Fr. Mark-Mary
Father Mark-Mary was ordained as a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR) in 2018 and lives at a friary in the Bronx.
The mission of the CFRs is to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus through fidelity to the Church and her Sacraments. Paired with their commitment to prayer, contemplation, and study of Sacred Scripture, the CFRs serve those around them, especially the poor, in the footsteps of Christ.
Discover beautiful music from the CFRs and Fr. Mark-Mary’s book Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Spiritual Progress, both available from Ascension.