Thomas Smith of the Great Adventure Bible Timeline Team shares the power of story when sharing the gospel with joy. He discusses how God tells us the greatest story through Sacred Scripture, and how we were made to continue that story. He encourages people to ask others about their spiritual journey, and to genuinely listen to them. This may open them up to be willing to listen to your story, which may be a way for them to meet Christ. Everyone is on a spiritual journey, and we all have a story to tell. Yours may be just the one someone else needs to hear.
“Face to Face: Two Words” | The Nativity of the Lord (Fr. Mike’s Homily)
The one who has gratitude has enough. At the moment we get to stand before the Lord face to face, what will the automatic and overwhelming response be? Will it be a word of love? Of contrition? Or will it be two words that summarize everything that could be said to...