How to Bring Order to Your Life

When you clean and organize a room, you have to ask one very important question first: what is this room for? Once you can answer that, everything begins falling into place.

In order to direct and order your own life, you must ask that same question. What is your life for? What is the primary purpose of the one life you’ve been given?

Fr. Mike proposes that, when you can answer that question, everything in your life will begin falling into place for you. And he might even take a crack at answering that question for you.

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Meet Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike Schmitz serves as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as chaplain for the Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

He is a presenter in Ascension’s ChosenAltaration, and The 99 programs, and has a channel on Ascension Presents. He is also the host of the Ascension podcasts The Bible in a Year and The Catechism in a Year.