From the Womb to the Tomb: True Catholic Social Justice

Today Bobby and Jackie review with us the ever-important truth held by the Catholic church teaching that we must honor and protect all life from conception in the womb to life’s natural end.

America’s #1 Religion Podcast from Fr. Mike Schmitz: The Bible in a Year

The Bible in a Year podcast, hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and featuring Jeff Cavins, guides Catholics through the entire Bible in 365 daily episodes. If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you!

Get your free reading plan!

Meet Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a full-time worship leader and speaker. Bobby Angel is a campus minister and theology teacher at a Catholic high school. Married in 2013, they have four beautiful children and strive to grow in holiness each day!

See more videos from them here or visit their website.