You may be familiar with the expression, “Hate the sin, not the sinner.” Fr. Mike would agree, especially when it comes to ourselves. We are quick to point out the sin we observe around us, but not as quick to examine our own souls. Along with this challenge to look inward, in this video Fr. Mike explains why we must hate sin in order to love God.
Fr. Mike is also a presenter in these faith formation programs from Ascension:
Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God
Chosen: This is Your Catholic Faith
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed
YOU: Life, Love and the Theology of the Body
Get 18 of Fr. Mike’s best Ascension Presents videos in this exclusive DVD from Ascension: Ascension Presents … Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike spoke at the Ascension Cafe during the World Meeting of Families. Watch him and other speakers get fired up about the gospel in the Ascension Cafe DVD.