“Marriage is what brings us together, today.”
Today, Dr. Edward Sri and his wife Beth share some insights from their own marriage and St. John Paul II’s wisdom on how to adopt a uniquely Catholic approach to intimacy in the sexual embrace.

Encounter the realities of Catholic marriage. Edward and Beth Sri show readers that the struggles of marriage are to be expected and, even more so, they are purifying us to make us saints.

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, well-known Catholic speaker, and author of several best-selling books. His work with Ascension includes study programs such as A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion and Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother. Several of Dr. Sri’s programs were filmed on-site in the Holy Land, and feature immersive video explorations of the sacred sites where Jesus, Mary, and the Apostles lived and died.
Dr. Sri is the host of the acclaimed Ascension podcast All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri. Together with Curtis Martin, Dr. Sri is a founding leader of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), of which he serves as senior vice president of Apostolic Outreach.
Dr. Sri lives with his wife Beth and their children in Colorado.