Avoiding Spiritual Boredom

There are so many things vying for our attention these days. After making ends meet we maybe have an hour or two per day where we have the opportunity to participate in activities that we personally enjoy. Before you know it you are on YouTube learning about organic carrot farming or motorcycles and then those few precious moments are gone. Oftentimes, this is when we either win or lose the battle in our relationship with the Lord. Spiritual boredom doesn’t happen overnight. You slide into it until you finally realize how much your relationship with the Lord has suffered. If you are thinking “wow this is me” and feel like you need a break from this slippery slope, then listen to Jeff’s three tips on how to avoid spiritual boredom. There is nothing more powerful and fruitful than a relationship with the Lord.



Three things
1. Do not lose your life of prayer.
2. Keep reading something of interest and pursue it. (For example a love for raising teens or reaching out to the poor.)
3. Make or keep relationships with those who are excited about Jesus, his kingdom, and work.
What has derailed you and brought you to this place of mediocrity and boredom? Embrace that area that took you off course and invite Jesus into it.

Do you have comments or questions for Jeff? Use the comment box below, or email Jeff at thejeffcavinsshow@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the tips, I found the second one especially helpful, since I find so many other things more interesting than reading the Bible etc. So will bring God into those.
    In your third point you mentioned finding friends who are on fire with the Lord – but what if you’ve never met any Catholics who are? Also what if you’re at a stage of life when everyone seems to be too busy to get together or talk anymore? Thanks


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